8315 Alkaline Cyanide-free Bright Zinc Plating
8315 Alkaline Cyanide-free Bright Zinc Plating
8315 alkaline cyanide-free bright zinc plating process has a wide operating range and is suitable for electroplating large areas and complex workpieces. The coating is highly flexible, with a 20μm thick layer able to be bent arbitrarily. After being heated at 200 ℃ for 60 minutes and immediately quenched in cold water, the coating does not bubble, making it suitable for functional plating requirements. The adhesion of the passivation film is strong, exceeding that of acid zinc, and can significantly improve the corrosion resistance of barrel-plated parts. It has high dispersion capacity, and the thickness of the coating is very uniform. The ratio of coating thickness between the high current density area (4 A/dm2) and low current density area (0.2 A/dm2) is 1.2-1.5 (generally 2.0-3.0 for typical products), which greatly saves zinc consumption and reduces costs. The additives are stable, and the decomposition products are few, allowing the plating solution to be used for a long time while remaining clear as water.
Product features
High flexibility, high dispersion capacity.
Strong corrosion resistance.
Application area
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